The Reference ID field taken as a part of an External payment type displays the link between invoice payment records in Sera and your accounting software. It will match to the Payment No. field in QuickBooks. This reference will be populated in batch files generated to sync transactions into QuickBooks through Saasant as well to ensure that your records are matched appropriately.
The Reference ID field is manually entered when accepting an External payment type. You are permitted to enter duplicates but this could cause matching issues in the future.
If you need to edit the Reference ID field, you will now see a pencil icon next to the entered number on the Invoice in the Transaction Details section. Clicking that pencil will populate the current Reference ID.
When the user edits the Reference ID, they will be required to enter a note detailing the reason and to also check an acknowledgement that altering this linkage could potentially cause issues keeping transactions in sync across both platforms.
This note and a history of the change will be documented with a timestamp and the user's name who made the change as a system note.