In order for revenue to be assigned to technicians, invoices need to be tied to Jobs, which are then assigned to technicians. Users can create jobless invoices in Sera to invoice a situation where a technician does not need to go to a customer's residence, like a membership sale, for example.
In some instances, admin users will accidentally create jobless invoices that are not tied to technicians and will not show up on the technician's leaderboard.
When this happens, users must cancel the jobless invoice and schedule a job for the quote.
How to cancel a jobless invoice
To cancel a jobless invoice, a user needs to view the jobless invoice. Click on the Customer's name, select the Invoice tab, and click on the invoice number of the jobless invoice that needs to be canceled.
Click on the Invoice Actions menu, and select Cancel Invoice. Enter a reason for canceling, and select Continue. The invoice has now been canceled.
Now that the invoice has been canceled, a user can schedule work for the quote.
How to Schedule Work for a Jobless Quote
Now that the invoice has been canceled, a user can schedule work on the quote. The invoice that was just canceled has been turned into a draft quote. Click on the Quotes screen, and find the Draft Quote that has now been created.
After the quote has been selected, a user can Schedule Work for that quote. Click on Quote Actions and then Schedule Work.
This will then open up the scheduling screen. Schedule the job by clicking on Schedule Work. This will open up the schedule screen and schedule the job. Assign the correct Technician. Approve the quote, and the technician will be credited for the work. If the work has already been completed, users will also want to change the job status to completed and fill out the appropriate information.
Note: When the job is scheduled, and when payment is made, the customer will receive a notification. Users may want to turn off notifications for that customer while fixing the jobless quote.