Note: This report is not visible unless the CallRail Integration is enabled. For more information about our CallRail Integration, see our article on CallRail Integration.
The integration between CallRail and Sera will allow the user to link answered calls to customers and jobs, making a capability to track revenue to certain calls and/or call types, and to provide for a customer lookup based on the phone number that is calling, resulting in less unnecessary mouse clicks for your dispatcher while on a call with the customer.
The Incoming Calls Report helps users organize incoming calls. This report will show the Call ID, the Status of the call, the Start Time, whether the call was answered, the duration, who the call was assigned to, the caller ID of the caller, the phone number of the caller, the Call Source, the number of times the call has been linked, any revenue associated with the job, and call notes. Users can filter most headers and export the report, if necessary.
How can I link past calls?
Phone calls can be linked on the Job page. When a call has been booked off of a phone call, the user can navigate to the Phone Call section of a call.
If an active session is available, a user can link the active session to this job. If the session has ended, a user can search for the phone number, call ID, or caller's name.
Once the call is linked, information on the Incoming Calls Report will be updated appropriately. If the call was the booking call, users can change the Job's opportunity to reflect that information.