Voiding an invoice in Sera will take a previously approved invoice in a Finalized state and will zero out all line items and cancel the invoice.
Note: Please use caution when voiding an invoice, as this cannot be undone and the invoice would have to be recreated.
To void an invoice in Sera, you will locate the invoice that you want to void. Ensure that you have an invoice in the proper state to void by checking the label next to the invoice number. It should be green and say Finalized.
Select the Invoice Actions button and select Void Invoice. Enter a note to document the void. This note will be saved in the 'All' notes within the customer's account.
Note: All payments will need to be refunded before you are able to void the invoice.
After the invoice has been voided, you will be able to see a Voided label appear next to the invoice. The invoice will still live in the Invoices table on the customer's account for record-keeping purposes. If this invoice has previously gone to Quickbooks as a part of a batch, you will want to void/delete the invoice in that software as well. If the invoice has not previously been a part of a batch, it will not be included.