Do you need specific links to be added to every email sent out by the system? You can make that happen in Sera!
Click on Company on the left-hand side, click on Company Customizations, and edit the Email License Information. This field supports HTML formatting. Paste this code within that field with the appropriate information included:
<a href="url">link text</a>
URL = What URL do you need to be linked? Copy and paste that URL.
Link Text = What do you want the text to say?
An example of this would be:
Iceman Plumbing and Heating<br> 923 Minsters Chapel Road, Grapevine, TX, 76201<br>License Number 140316<br>
<a href="">Iceman Plumbing Customer Portal</a>
This code displays the company information, license information, and a link to the company's customer portal.
Open a Link in a New Tab
if you wanted the link to open up into a new tab versus opening it in their current tab, add target="_blank" to the code.
Here's an example of what you could copy and paste into the Email License Information field. This code would display the company information and take the customer to their customer portal in a new tab.
Iceman Plumbing and Heating<br> 923 Minsters Chapel Road, Grapevine, TX, 76201<br><br>Customer Portal for Returning Customers:<br><a href= ""
target="_blank"> </a>