Inside the tech app, a technician can schedule their own inspections and follow-up appointments!
Scheduling an inspection in the tech app
To schedule an inspection, a technician will navigate to the Schedule tab at the bottom of the tech app. After selecting a specific date, the system will send an email to the office that a customer has requested a specific date for an inspection. The office will schedule an inspection with their local government entity and the customer must be present for the inspection.
Scheduling a Follow-Up Appointment
Another function of the schedule tab is the ability to schedule a follow-up appointment. This is helpful when a technician is missing a part and needs to come back to the job at a later date, or the technician needs to schedule a different technician to come out and finish the job. For example, a service technician may sell an install job, and the service tech can schedule the installer to come out and finish the work without getting the office involved.
Note: Scheduling a follow-up appointment means that there is still work that needs to be finished on this job. This is NOT intended to be used to schedule appointments months in advance; this feature is used to schedule a follow-up to finish the job.
To schedule a follow-up appointment, navigate to the Schedule tab in the Tech App. Change the toggle at the top to Schedule Appointment.
Current appointments appear at the top of the page. To schedule an additional appointment, select the service category and technician if applicable, and the system will check against your dispatch board to find time available to come out and finish the job. Technicians also have the ability to change the appointment duration if they know that the appointment time will be less than the time listed. Once the date and time have been selected, click on Schedule Appointment to put the follow-up appointment on the dispatch board.