The Financing section in your Company settings in Sera will allow for the activation of Service Finance loan programs within your Sera account for usage on quotes and invoices.
Department Management
The upper-most section will allow you to configure which departments can present financing options.
Note: if you have multiple technicians or departments present on one job, please keep in mind that this departmental configuration will be looking at the department that the job/revenue falls under and not the department to which the technician belongs. This will be based off of the initial created appointment on that job.
Loan Program Management
Entering your Dealer ID and enabling the integration in the Marketplace will allow for the display of available loan programs in a table below the Department Management. This table will present the following fields:
Status - active vs. inactive within Sera. Active will denote that it can be used on quotes.
Program # - Loan Program number from Service Finance
Program Description - Loan Program Description from Service Finance
Dealer Fee - the amount you will be charged to use this program for a customer
Min Financed Amt - the minimum invoice amount this program will be considered for, set by Service Finance
Prefer Financed Amt - a minimum invoice amount determined by your company where you would want to offer this program. MUST be a larger dollar amount than the Min Financed Amt from Service Finance
Max Financed Amt - the maximum invoice amount this program will be considered for, set by Service Finance
Max Int. Rate - the maximum interest rate this program will have, set by Service Finance
You can activate loan programs for sale by checking the box to the left of the Status and clicking Activate at the bottom of the table.
Activated programs will now appear for selection on applicable quotes.
Please see our article on Financing for more detail on display of these financing options on Quotes, presenting the options to the customer from the Tech App, how customers can apply in person with the Tech App and much more!