Promo Codes are able to be entered on Quotes in Sera to discount the total amount due for your customer. The Promo Code report found in the Accounting section of your Reports Center will allow you to add or manage promo codes in your Sera account.
Adding a Promo Code
To add a promo code, access your Promo Codes report from your Report Center and click the Add Promo Code button. Enter the following information and select the Create Promo Code button:
Code - the name of your promo code, i.e. Military Discount, Senior Citizen Discount, etc
Type - Percent or dollar amount off
Amount - the dollar amount or the percent discount amount
Starts at - effective date of your promo code
Expires at - expiration date of your promo code
Accounting Category - Marketing Coupons by default, or another Accounting Category that you would like to classify this promo code as in the batch to your Quickbooks account
Accounting Class - blank by default, or select an Accounting Class that you would like to classify this promo code as in the batch to your Quickbooks account
Managing Promo Codes
Each promo code entered into your system will display in this report with the name, type, starting date, expiration date, amount, accounting category, and accounting class entered for that code. Action buttons to view, edit or delete this promo code will be found to the right side of the row for each promo code.
A download option is available to allow you to see this information in Excel format.