While Sera is a multi-faceted software solution capable of helping your company realize it’s truest efficiencies and productivities, there is a need to maintain a separate accounting software. Sera through Saasant provides a process to allow you to easily and quickly import your transactions from Sera into QuickBooks Desktop.
Saasant is an accounting automation software that has a process to import, export, update or delete transactions within your QuickBooks account from an excel spreadsheet. For clients who are new to Saasant, proceed to www.saasant.com to sign up for service and download the QuickBooks Desktop program. Once the two accounts are linked together, log in with the proper Intuit credentials. This is the quickest method to get started and will save a step of linking the two accounts in the future.
Sera has a process called batching to help transfer invoices, initial payments, updates to payments, journal entries and credit memos over to QuickBooks to ensure proper recording of your financial data is present within QuickBooks as well as Sera.