Job Time Efficiency is a way to measure the percentage of time sold to a customer as part of a task compared to the amount of time (in minutes) actually spent on a job.
Pre-Work: The total amount of time spent prior to the travel time starting in a pre-work state. Pre-Work time for an appointment is the time between Accepted and Travel Started.
Travel: The total amount of travel time spent across all appointments on a job. Travel time for an appointment is the time between the Travel Started time and Arrival time.
Work: The total amount of work time spent across all appointments on a job. Work time for an appointment is the time between the Arrival and Departure time.
Total: The total amount of , pre-work, travel and work time spent across all appointments on a job. Total time on an appointment is the Travel + Work time and is referred to as “Duration”.
Sold: The total amount of time sold on a job as part of a task on all accepted quotes. Time is considered “Sold” once the quote is accepted.
End Result: The difference between the Total amount of time spent on a job and the Sold time on a job.
Job Times and Job Time Efficiency in your Admin Portal
Job Times are the calculated totals of the actual times spent on a job, the amount of time “sold” to customers as part of a task and the result between the two times. Job Time Efficiency is calculated as Sold Time/Total Time presented as a percentage.
Job Times and Job Time Efficiency are visible in the Admin Portal in three places:
1. Within the header of a job
2. Within the Job Times tab on the job
3. In the Job Times report found in your Reports tab.
How can Job Time Efficiency be used to improve my business?
Job Times can be used to track trends and the health of the business as a whole. The Job Times metric illustrates the amount of labor that was tracked for a job in total including any drive time and pre-work vs. the amount of time "sold" to a customer as part of the tasks on any accepted quote on that job.
Comparing Job Times for multiple jobs across a span of time can show:
- where task time has been allocated incorrectly compared to the actual time being spent on the tasks
- how much non-billable time is being spent across jobs
- how much billable time is on jobs compared to the amount of revenue collected on the job
Job Times Report
The Job Times report contains a list of all jobs in your account, and displays a breakdown of the times on the job, the sold time, and the job's efficiency. You can sort by appointments that are either completed or not completed at the top of the report and the report is available to be downloaded into Excel. You can use this report to easily identify jobs where the Job Time Efficiency is either higher or lower than what we would advise. Ideally your efficiency will be as close to 100%, which means that your sold time and your labor time on that job are near the same.
Honing in your overall job efficiency will allow you to forecast more accurately, ensure that your jobs are priced according to the work being performed and expand your business using the knowledge of your accurate times to schedule future work.
Why do some jobs not have Job Times or Job Time Efficiency?
For accurate reporting, we do not show Job Time Efficiency where the Job Times are not verified as accurate through Sera. Jobs that do not have verified actual times will display N/A for all values for Job Times and Job Time Efficiency. If any appointment on a job does not have verified actual times, then the Job Time and Job Time Efficiency for the entire job cannot be calculated. Jobs that do not have verified actual times are any imported jobs or any jobs with an appointment created prior to the editing of actual times release on 11/29/2021.