Adding Parts
Tip: Before you add parts to the system, we recommend seeing up your vendors. Learn how to set up your vendors by visiting our Vendors article.
Category Management
Using categories in your pricebook will help you search and locate parts in the future. You can add, remove, or change existing categories for your parts by going to your Pricebook --> Parts --> Organize. A new Category can be added by clicking the New Category button. Use the Parent Category field to select where this new category will be placed.
If you would like to edit or delete an existing category, use the three dots menu to the right of the category name under Home.
By clicking the category name, you can see all categories and parts found under that category. You can update the location of any category or part by clicking the part and dragging it to the new desired location.
Adding a single part
You can add a single part from either the List or the Organize section of the Parts tab. Click the Add Part button or item from the dropdown and enter any applicable information. As a reminder, the Cost field here will be the price that your company pays for the part from your supplier.
Adding Multiple Parts via upload
To add parts in bulk, select the download button in the Vendor's card. Copy and Paste the SKU, Part Name and Cost from your supplier's information and save the sheet. Use the upload button and find the file you previously saved. These parts will now be added under this vendor in your Parts area.
Managing your Parts list
Under each category, you will find a row for each part. The row contains the name of the part, the vendor, how many tasks that part has been used in, and the cost of that part. To the right of the cost, you will find a three dots menu.
Hovering over the three dots menu will show you two options: replace part and delete part. If the part is being used on any tasks, replace part will be a blue clickable link. If the part is not being used on any tasks it will be unable to be selected. To replace a part on the tasks it is being used on with a different part, click replace part. Type in the name of the replacement part and select the part from the list. Select replace part and each task will be updated with the replacement part chosen.
If you no longer need the part to be as a part of your catalog, select Delete part. You will only be able to delete parts that are not currently being used on tasks.
Once the appropriate parts are in the system, you can use them on tasks to help build more accurate pricing for your company.