A Crew Member is a non-tech app role that is used for headcount and to track accurate labor minutes spent for a job/appointment. The Crew Member role is great for keeping track of job labor for helpers, warehouse workers, runners, etc.
A Crew Member profile contains the name and phone number of that user for tracking purposes and is created within a specific department. Since a Crew Member is not tied to a full account, different individuals can be given a Crew Member role: helpers, non-lead installers, runners, warehouse staff, delivery people and technicians, etc. A Crew Member will not be assigned a Tech App login and if one is needed, it will have to be created under the Department --> Technicians.
A Crew Member can only be assigned to one Technician at a time but can be manually added to an appointment as many times as necessary. A total of four (4) Crew Members can be assigned to a single Technician’s Work Crew.
Assigned Crew Members will automatically be added to any appointments once the technician hits “Start Trip”.
Creating a Crew Member
To create a crew member, expand down the department options, go to the “Work Crews” tab and select “Create Crew Member”.
Once a Crew Member has been created, then the crew member can be managed (Edited, Archived, etc) by selecting the actions menu (3 Dots) on the right of the Crew Member pill.
Any available Crew Members can be assigned to a Technician. By default, all active Crew Members for the current department are displayed. To see archived Crew Members select “All”. To view Crew Members from other departments select “Include All Departments”.
The technician and crew member roles are separate, so for now, a technician can also be a Crew Member.
To use a Technician as a Crew Member:
Create a Crew Member account for the helper technician using their name and phone number
On the helper technician’s schedule, mark them as unavailable/off for the time they will be acting as a Crew Member, so the scheduler does not assign appointments to them
Assign the Crew Member to the driving technician they will be riding with
Assigning a Crew Member
To add a crew member to a work crew, click and drag any available crew member (blue pills) to the box under the technician’s name.
To see a technician’s work crew, look either in the Work Crews tab of their department, hover over the Technician’s name on the dispatch board, or click the technician's name and view the Crew Members section under the contact information.
A Crew Member should be assigned to a Work Crew when they are riding in the same truck as a Technician.
A Crew Member can be removed from a Work Crew by clicking on the blue “x” to the right of their name or by going to the actions menu (3 dots) to the left of their name and clicking “Unassign”.
Is there an easy way to clear the Work Crews board and start over?
To clear the entire Work Crews board in one click select “Clear Technician Crew Assignments” in the top right corner.
Crew Member Times
To edit actual times for crew members, open the job and select the edit button next to the “Actual Times” header.
A Technician’s Work Crew is automatically assigned to an appointment when the technician hits “Start Trip” or an Admin changes the appointment status to “Accepted”.
By default, Crew Members that are part of the technician’s Work Crew will automatically use their assigned Technician’s actual times (accepted, arrival, and departure). Crew Members that are added separately from the technician’s Work Crew (runners, etc) can be added to an appointment after they have completed their work on the appointment. Adding a crew member manually will require the Admin to enter all actual times for the Crew Member.
A Crew Member that is not part of the technician’s Work Crew can be added to the appointment after the assigned technician has started their trip and the appointment is in the “Accepted” status or later. Select the appointment, on the appointment window select the blue pencil next to Actual Times - under Crew Members search and select the additional crew member and hit Add - enter note under Reason for Adjusting Times and hit Save.
Travel and work time (labor) used by Crew Members are automatically added to the actual time spent on an appointment. Time spent on an appointment will roll into job time on the Job Times Report and will be visible from the Job Times tab within the job.