Once an appointment is created, any details can be changed through editing that appointment. There are many ways to edit appointments in your Sera portal. The easiest way to edit an appointment is to click the appointment that needs to be edited on the dispatch board.
When doing so, four options appear on the screen - Edit Appointment, Cancel Appointment, View Appointment, and View Customer.
Select the option titled Edit Appointment.
Click on the blue pencil button to choose a new date and time. If a technician has time available, the time slot on the calendar will appear green.
The office can pin an appointment for a time a technician isn’t available by selecting one of the appointment times highlighted in yellow.
Click the blue save button to save the appointment. Additionally, the Admin can cancel appointments that are not already in motion by clicking on Cancel Appointments at the bottom of this window.
If trying to edit an appointment on a different day, there are two options to follow. Find the appointment either by searching for the customer in Customer Service or by finding the customer’s appointment in the Appointment List report. Click on the Appointment Number to bring up the job screen. Then edit the appointment by selecting Options in the appointment card.
Adding a new appointment
Before we can add additional appointments to jobs, we need to first create a job in Sera. This can be done by going back to the Customer’s Account.
To add a new job, click the blue highlighted Schedule on the address that needs servicing. Then, a schedule menu will appear.
Select the service category and add any informational notes for the job. Click on the blue “Save” button to schedule the appointment.
If a new appointment is needed on the job, press Add Appointment in the Job screen to add a new appointment. Enter any relevant information here. One phrase used at Sera is “Same problem, same job; new problem, new job.” In other words, if the job requires multiple appointments, they can be added to the same job. For example, an estimate and an install can both be housed under the same job number because they are both attached to the same problem. If the technician is at a customer’s home and the customer mentions another issue, a new job should be created for the new issue.