You can update the price of parts at any time in your Sera account via your pricebook.
Updating a single part price
Should you need to update a single part's price in your pricebook, you would go to Department --> Pricebook --> Parts and search for the desired part. Type in the new value in the Cost field and select Save. This will update the price of all tasks in your pricebook that part is linked to but will not update any tasks already assigned to quotes and invoices.
Bulk updating part pricing
Updating multiple or all parts in Sera is done via updating your Vendor lists. You would update the Vendor lists by going to the pricebook in your department. Click Download on the Vendor that you would like to update parts for. You will copy and paste the SKU, Part Name, and Cost from your sheet into this downloaded template. The first tab has to remain in place so Sera will know which vendor list to alter. The parts will match on either SKU or Part Name and will update the price accordingly. The dollar amount that you enter in this sheet for each part should be your cost to purchase that part. Any parts not in the original list will be added to the parts list. Once you have updated this sheet and saved, you can upload back into Sera by clicking Upload on the same vendor card. If no errors are delivered back, your pricing will be updated according to the sheet.
Note: if there are duplicate SKUs or Part Names found in the sheet, the latest row that contains that value will be the one visible in the system.