In an effort to continue to improve the efficiency of the equipment data collection process, you can add the Equipment Types that you would like to remind technicians to collect while on-site during the appointment. Adding those Equipment Types to the task will add a reminder to the invoice itself on the tech app and will add it to a report on the Admin Portal for follow-up and training. Please see our article on Equipment Type Setup for more information on setting up equipment information within your Sera account.
Note: Adding the Equipment Type to a task will only present a reminder to the technician to add the equipment in the Tech App but will not completely block his process should he not be able to enter the equipment information at that time.
Adding Equipment Types to the task will allow for the tracking of a proper work history for that specific equipment. This will add even more efficiency in the future to your technician's on-site process to allow them to see only the pertinent history of that equipment instead of having to review each and every historical job to identify work performed on this equipment.
To add an Equipment Type to a task within your Pricebook, you will go to your Department’s Pricebook(s) → Edit a pre-existing task. Then, select the desired Equipment Type(s) from the dropdown.
Tip: All invoice tasks will now show an equipment indicator to the left that is color-coded by status:
- Blue with a green checkmark = equipment information has been provided
- Blue with no checkmark = equipment has been requested but not entered
- Gray = equipment entry is optional
If the indicator is selected, the Equipment Capture Wizard will open. From this window, technicians or admins are able to link the line item that was sold to the equipment that line item pertains to. They can also mark the request as N/A if the requested type does not apply to this specific sale or choose to not complete the request in instances where the information is not yet available, such as a salesman generating the invoice wouldn’t have access to the serial number. Users can also add new equipment that doesn’t yet exist on the customer’s record through this Wizard.
Note: In the Equipment Capture Wizard, use the Add/Replace functionality if you need to add or replace existing equipment in the customer’s record.
Users can still add/manage equipment through the same process as before but they would not be able to link the equipment to line items building the work history.