A HOLD appointment is a block of time that has been reserved by the predictive scheduler for an unassigned appointment outside of it's scheduled timeframe. This appointment will be temporarily placed at a later time in the same work day and a duplicate 'HOLD' pill will appear as light gray with a dashed outline on the planned timeblock. These blocks of time will show the customer’s name and service category along with HOLD on the far left.
When you hover over the HOLD space or the appointment paired with the HOLD, then the matching unassigned appointment (in red at the top of the dispatch board) will have a glowing dark blue border to make locating the matching appointment easier.
If there is not an open window to put the appointment in it's scheduled timeframe, the appointment will remain in Unassigned but the scheduler will look for the next available open window and put a HOLD appointment in that place. When the technician becomes available, he will see that appointment on his Tech App and when he selects the Start Trip button, the appointment will pull down to his schedule.
The HOLD appointment will not bump a scheduled appointment.