Address Capture
When entering an address into Sera upon creating a customer’s account, or when trying to edit a pre-existing address on a customer’s account, the system will attempt to verify this address through Google. This is to determine its ability for geo-location so directions can be obtained to locations via the Tech App. If the user enters an address that is not Google verified, a map will appear below the address dropdown.
You will use the map to determine the proper location and place a pin by clicking on the map. If the pin is not initially placed in the proper location, it can be adjusted at any time. The map can be shifted and the pin can be moved to another location, or the address search can be completed again which will reset the map without the previous pin, if necessary.
Note: Pinning the map at the closest spot will ensure that the technician has success finding the given address as the app will now geo-locate to that manually placed pin.
Once the address pin is saved, a special icon will display on the address card if a pin is used instead of the Google verified address.
By clicking Edit on the address card, the map of the pinned location will display which will allow for visibility and update, if necessary.
You can remove the pin at any time by searching again in the Search Address box and selecting a Google-verified address from the dropdown.