The Accounting Key field in the header of a customer’s account in your Sera Admin Portal displays the link between customer records in Sera and your accounting software. It will match the customer’s display name in QuickBooks.
Accounting Keys will be created using the First Name and Last Name fields found within your customer's Sera account. If there are duplicate customers with the same name, a number qualifier will be added to the end (see picture below) to ensure that those two accounts are not merged in the transfer of the invoices and payments into your Quickbooks account.
Note: If your customer's first name and last name are blank as a part of imported data, there could be instances where the Accounting Key field is populated only with a number. You can update this information at any point using the steps below.
There might be circumstances, such as the misspelling of a customer's name or a name change due to marriage, where you might be required to alter their name. When this name change is completed in Quickbooks, you need to edit the Accounting Key in Sera so as to not disturb the delivery of transactions into the proper account.
Changing this key is completed by clicking the pencil icon to edit in the upper right-hand corner.
Note: Edit capabilities of the Accounting Key field are limited to Super and Admin level users only.
When the user edits the Accounting Key, they will be required to enter a note detailing the reason and to also check an acknowledgment that altering this linkage could potentially cause issues keeping transactions in sync across the two platforms.
This note and a history of the change will be documented with a timestamp and the user’s name who made the change as a system note in the customer’s Notes tab for tracking purposes.